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About Your Type

People of type Four are introspective, authentic, and expressive. That’s because their personality is based on the story of the outsider. They feel that they’re inherently different and somehow uniquely flawed. They believe that they are only valuable if they manage to find their true, authentic self. While they cultivate their uniqueness by opposing the mainstream, they long for nothing more than for someone to take them by the hand and tell them “You belong with the rest of us”.

The way people shaped by type Four look at the world is through the eyes of beauty and emotion. It’s how they connect with people. To them, emotion is truth. Emotions are unconditionally authentic. And since they prefer authenticity over words that just make someone feel good, they are surprised when other people aren’t as comfortable with this kind of raw honesty as they are.

Type Four often leads people down creative parts to find new ways to convey their ideas. Many of the most profound works of art were created by people of this type. They have an amazing potential to uncover the hidden beauty in the world and help others see it.

But type Four is also comfortable with the dark, the sad, and the tragic. They view sadness not as something to avoid, but something to explore and to inspire their creativity. Many people with this type actively embrace melancholy as the bitter spice that keeps life from becoming too bland.

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