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The Enneagram is a tool for personal development, spirituality and growth that helps you realize the story you’ve been living in all your life. An Enneagram personality test is different from your normal personality test in that it isn’t so much interested in certain personality traits and grouping them into types. Instead, it reveals the deeper story that has shaped your worldview, your beliefs, and your approach to life.

We have been studying and collecting the best insights and exercises from literally dozens of books and consulted with the leading experts of the Enneagram today to develop a guide that offers the most value while still being comprehensive. Basically, it’s better than reading ten books. Unless you’re already a trained Enneagram coach, we truly believe you’ll find it well worth your time and money.

Hey there, we’re Greg and Chris, two German dudes with a passion for (and schooling in) the Enneagram and personal development. We’re building this site to offer a better alternative to the way the Enneagram is used out there on the world wild web. Check out our About page if you want to learn more about how we do things around here, or drop us an email. We read and reply to everyone.

As of now, we offer our products as online documents. That means we don’t send out PDFs. If you want to, however, you can print out your Premium Profile as a PDF via your browser. 

Our test is very dynamic. That means it calculates your answers while you’re completing the test. The result of this can be that the algorithm becomes very certain of a certain result after some time. It that case, it will stop asking you additional questions and instead end the test.

We did that to shorten the test time and not have our users end a bazillion questions. So don’t worry, your test result is as perfectly valid as any other.

The Premium Profile is an online resource that you can also print out as a PDF. Read it on your phone, tablet, PC, Kindle, or print it out on paper and have at it with makers and stickers.

The guide consists of four modules.

  1. In the first, you will dive into the Enneagram and how its nine types reflect human personality.
  2. The second module dives deep into your type, its strengths and struggles, and the hidden reasons behind your behavior.
  3. Section Three will explore how you can start integrating the perspectives of other types and their strategies to expand your approach to life.
  4. And finally, you will start crafting your own, fully personalized game plan that is actually addressing what YOU need to start your journey of transformation.

The guidebook includes concrete exercises to get you started on topics like

  • Learning to celebrate who you are
  • Identifying your biggest blind spots
  • Finding everyday practices that help you
  • Building a support plan that keeps you gracious towards yourself when things get tough

This is just a high-level overview. We’ve spent many two years developing and improving these materials, and we truly believe you’ll find them well worth your time and money.

We want you to actually find practical use in what you get. If you feel like you don’t, we offer a risk-free guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with what you get – for any reason – just drop us an email within 30 days, and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked. You can also see our Refunds Policy for more info.

We have been studying and collecting the best insights and exercises from literally dozens of books and consulted with the leading experts of the Enneagram today to develop a guide that offers the most value while still being comprehensive. Basically, it’s better than reading ten books. Unless you’re already a trained Enneagram coach, we truly believe you’ll find it well worth your time and money.

We’re aware that mistypes are a thing. That’s why we offer a one-time switch of your Premium Profile to a different type for free. Just let us know if you want to change your type. Beware though: This change can only be done once.

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