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About Your Type

You are tough, straightforward, and intense. That’s because your personality is based on the belief that only the strong survive in this world. You try to make yourself invulnerable by pure strength and willpower. You enjoy to take charge, to go big, and to win. With the most energy of any type, you have the stamina to power through longer than most others. But you are in danger of running people over as well as running yourself dry.

You are intense. It doesn’t matter if you’re physically large or small, if you’re introverted or extroverted, male or female, old or young: You have the charisma to dominate a room as soon as you enter it. When you speak, you make sure people listen. If people don’t, you have no problem telling them that they should.

You also don’t mind a good challenge. In fact, the moment someone tells you something can’t be done is the moment you decide to prove them wrong. There’s a reason type Eight is called „Challenger“. You like to accept challenges as much as you like to challenge others. A solid, fierce debate with someone who’s able to hold their own – refreshing!

This kind of power and intensity is one of your great strengths. It’s also what gets you into trouble. You are often surprised (or irritated) when you find out that other people experience you as intimidating, insensitive or angry. You don’t see yourself that way. What others call domineering, you would just call being upfront and honest.

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