Introduction | Full Report for Enneagram Type 1

Welcome to your Full Report,

Illustration of Enneagram Type 9 personality
We are so happy to have you here. What you are about to read and work through is your first step on your path towards understanding who you really are.

There will be moments of joy in here, when you realize how many great things you and your personality bring to the table.

There will also be parts that will sting: When you see how your personality can hold you back, and likely has done so for a long time.

Right from the start, we want you to know that the Enneagram is not a system that tries to box you in. This is not about stereotypes, about judging you, or telling you “This is what you are. Good luck!”

Instead, the wisdom contained in the Enneagram is dynamic. It allows for all the colorful shades and flavors inside the unique person that is you.

Even more than that, the Enneagram acknowledges your potential to not only become aware of the hidden forces that drive your worldview, but step beyond them. The Enneagram gives you a real chance for lasting change. 

But it will take practical effort on your part. And it will take time.

That is why we created a workbook to go with this guide. While we designed the content in this guide to be super actionable on its own, we want you to have as many opportunities to stop, reflect, and get as practical as possible. That's what the workbook is for (you will encounter it in the next chapter).

What we hope to achieve with this report is to give you your own personal starting point to truly understand yourself: Discovering who you are, how you became the person greeting you in the mirror each day, and how you can become a healthier version of yourself.

You are not alone on this path. All of us who worked on it, as well as millions of other people on this planet, are on the same, wonderful journey. This is our offer of help to make your way on that journey.

Because untangling your personality is one of the most profound paths you will ever walk in your entire life.

It’s an honor for us to be with you along the ride.

Grace and peace,
Signature of Chris, Greg and Zippora

Choose your preferred format

We have created your type report so you can use it the way that works best for you. You can simply scroll down and continue using the web-based version on any device or you can download a PDF version of it to print out.

To get your PDF version, please click the button below. Please note: since your type report is customized to you, it may take up to 1 minute until your PDF file is ready to download.

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Your Workbook

When you purchased your Full Report, we promised you would have the chance to get practical. Well, here's your chance!

We added more than 30 workbook questions to your report because we know that just reading stuff won’t change a thing in your life – you have to go out there and do something with it.

These exercises will challenge you to engage with the insights you will gain from your report. This way, we hope it becomes not just an interesting read to you, but a tool with which to develop your personality further.

Let's take a look at how it works
First off, you want to get a pen and something to write.
At the end of each section, you’ll find one or more workbook prompts. If you want to take things to a more practical level, take some time to work through the exercise.
Remember: All exercises are optional. If you don't like a particular exercise, or you don’t feel in the mood, feel free to skip ahead.
On the other hand, we encourage you to not skip too much. This goes especially for those exercises that seem scary, uncomfortable or pointless to you. They are actually the most important. Use the chance to get out of your comfort zone and look at the hidden things underneath the surface. A little bit of discomfort is the price of admission we all pay for growth.
Most of all, we want you to have fun with this workbook. So, use it to learn more about yourself.

With that said, open the next box to start with the first exercise.

Have fun, be honest, and go deep!

Just like before any other journey, at the beginning of your path to discover yourself, you should ask yourself: Where do I want to end up?

Write down your personal answers to these questions:
What is your reason for doing this? What problem or issue brought you to the Enneagram? Are you stuck in a certain area of your life? Are you doing this for work? Or your marriage? Or are you just curious?
What would you like to be able to say when you get to the end of your report?

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