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You most likely have an Enneagram Type 1 personality, often also called "The Improver".

Type 1 | Improver

Ones are idealistic, conscientious and have a lot of integrity. At their core, they are defined by their perceptions of right and wrong, and their commitment to doing things ‘right’. Ones act with self-discipline, determination and the ability to delay gratification for a brighter tomorrow.

Ones are pragmatic and serious people who work hard to ensure they are the best version of themselves they can be. They put a lot of effort into making sure they’re doing the right thing at all times and are great at seeing how to improve and perfect things.

Type 1 | Improver

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Ones are idealistic, conscientious and have a lot of integrity. At their core, they are defined by their perceptions of right and wrong, and their commitment to doing things ‘right’. Ones act with self-discipline, determination and the ability to delay gratification for a brighter tomorrow.

Ones are pragmatic and serious people who work hard to ensure they are the best version of themselves they can be. They put a lot of effort into making sure they’re doing the right thing at all times and are great at seeing how to improve and perfect things.

Type 1 | Improver
Detailed test result scores

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Unlock your Personality Profile to view your detailed scores for all personality types.

Ones are idealistic, conscientious and have a lot of integrity. At their core, they are defined by their perceptions of right and wrong, and their commitment to doing things ‘right’. Ones act with self-discipline, determination and the ability to delay gratification for a brighter tomorrow.

Ones are pragmatic and serious people who work hard to ensure they are the best version of themselves they can be. They put a lot of effort into making sure they’re doing the right thing at all times and are great at seeing how to improve and perfect things.

What's Inside My Personality Profile?
60+ pages of deep, personal insights into what makes you You (PDF + digital)
Practical advice that you can start using right now
Workbook with more than 30 hands-on exercises to help you get practical
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What Makes You Great
Excellence Catalyst
You possess a remarkable ability to see how things could be better and the drive to make it happen. Your vision for improvement helps transform good into exceptional.
Focused Precision
You have an extraordinary eye for detail and ability to create order from chaos. Your methodical approach ensures that nothing important is overlooked and everything is done properly.
Ethical Leadership
You naturally lead by example with integrity and clear standards that others respect and want to follow. Your commitment to fairness and correctness creates trust and reliability in any organization.
Principled Pioneer
You have an unwavering commitment to doing what's right and improving the world around you. Your strong moral compass guides not only your actions but inspires others to rise to higher standards.
Principled Pioneer
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Principled Pioneer
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How can I learn to relax without feeling guilty about it?

How can I have more grace for my own mistakes and those of others?

How can I stop being so hard on myself when I do something wrong?

Why do people take the advice I offer so often as criticism?

Find the answers in your Personality Profile

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“Best test out there. I had tried a few different ones, but this one was the first that made me really understand what my personality type is all about. Told three of my friends to do it already.”
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“As someone who’s brand new to personality types, this completely blew my mind.”
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“You guys are nailing it! This really helped.”
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