What Are the Nine Enneagram Types?

The Enneagram helps people understand themselves and others better. It describes nine different personalities with numbers from 1 to 9. You can read detailed descriptions by clicking on any of the types below.

Faces of Enneagram types
Introduction Video - What is the Enneagram?

Introduction to the Enneagram Types

Each of the nine Enneagram types has its own unique worldview and motivation. One of them shapes you the most. That is your personality type.

The nine types aren’t given their numbers at random. They follow the idea that three core aspects of what makes us human sort the nine types into three groups: Head Types, Heart Types, and Body Types.

Each group (often also called triads) is driven by their center of intelligence and has a core emotion. Just as you carry a little bit of each type in you, you are shaped by all three of these aspects, but the group your type belongs to plays a greater role in your life. You can learn about it here.

The three groups of the Enneagram

Heart, or feeling, centered Enneagram Types: Two, Three and Four

Head-centered Enneagram Types: Five, Six, and Seven

Body, or gut, centered Enneagram Types: Eight, Nine, and One

The Nine Enneagram Types in Brief

Illustration of Enneagram Type 1

Type 1

Ones can lead through integrity and reason, but also be challenged by perfectionism and resentment.
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Type 2

Twos can shine with generosity and intuiting people’s needs, but also struggle with defending their own boundaries and people-pleasing.
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Illustration of Enneagram Type 2
Illustration of Enneagram Type 3

Type 3

Threes can be inspiring examples of excellence and authenticity, but also blindly pursue success and status.
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Type 4

Fours can open people’s eyes to the beauty of the world and shine with authenticity, but also be held back by moodiness and self-absorption.
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Illustration of Enneagram Type 4
Illustration of Enneagram Type 5

Type 5

Fives can demonstrate visionary intellect and inventiveness or become increasingly socially withdrawn and secretive.
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Type 6

Sixes can exemplify courage and commitment, but also struggle with anxiety and rebelliousness.
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Illustration of Enneagram Type 6
Illustration of Enneagram Type 7

Type 7

Sevens can become uplifting visionaries and agents for positive change or struggle with impulsiveness and impatience.
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Type 8

Eights can be powerful, selfless leaders, but also control and intimidate others.
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Illustration of Enneagram Type 8
Illustration of Enneagram Type 9

Type 9

Nines can bring people together and heal conflicts or be held back by passivity and stubbornness.
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27 days ago

6 and 4

Gabbie Reeves
Gabbie Reeves
1 year ago

I am type six for sure.

1 year ago

what is the best number to be

Wen MacClellan
Wen MacClellan
2 years ago

I'm a type 4. Never have I felt so attacked in my life as by this test ^^

Aliyah Moscia
Aliyah Moscia
2 years ago

As a coach, I have to say your site is the best on the Enneagram I've found so far. You really go into depth on all the elements of the types, while being honest about the limits of the system. No over- or underselling. I've been recommending it to all my clients.

A G Davis
A G Davis
2 years ago

Thanks for the descriptions. I didn't want to buy the report, so I'm loving all the free stuff you put out here.

2 years ago

Can you be more than one type?

Amanda Willis
Amanda Willis
2 years ago

Love your site! Great breakdown of the Enneagram.

2 years ago

I do see A LOT of me in this Enneagram Test, yet also some conflicting statements. I'm a binary person: 0/1, on/off, black/white, in/out, etc. Not much room for gray or assumptions.

2 years ago

Reminds me of the Myers Briggs personality Inventory. Yet theoretical underpinnings seem much deeper. As a psychologist myself I am much appreciate this program.

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